Hu Zhenxing, hailing from Xuchang, Henan, has been working for nearly 10 years in a Chinese-owned enterprise in Ghana, progressing from an entry-level manager to the the factory's general manager.
"I feel like I'm just an ordinary person. My main priority is to excel in my job, and making short videos is simply a form of entertainment and a hobby in my life."
"As a foreigner working in Africa, I believe that communication is of the utmost importance. Effective management hinges on good communication. If I can't learn the local language, it becomes very challenging to organize daily work schedules and assign tasks to employees."
胡振兴告诉记者,初到加纳时,他只会“Hello ”“How are you ?”等几句简单的英语,与当地员工沟通存在很大困难。于是,他痛定思痛,工作之余开始自学国际音标和《新概念英语》等教材,把工作生活中学到的英语单词记在本上,不断背记和巩固,直到完全掌握。
During his journey of learning English, Hu received encouragement and assistance from many African colleagues, forging a strong brotherly bond with them.
Some netizens resonated with his English learning experience, leaving comments such as, "The primary function of language is communication, and his experience has boosted my confidence in learning English."